Monday, June 20, 2011

I'm a bee-liever

No self respecting hip and modern, self aware urban garden loving household could exist without bees. So, my family got on that train and put two hives in our backyard.
It's fun having bees. Guests love to see the boxes, they (the bees, not the guests) pollinate our fruits and vegetables and eventually, if we're lucky, we'll be able to harvest some honey.
Oh, and we have an excuse to dress up in bee suits.
Here's what we have going on:
Grown to 2 boxes to give the bees more room.
A frame from inside a hive. There's brood cells (new bees) and drone cells and lots of busy worker bees. 

If you're thinking about getting some bees of your own... you should. The group Backwards Beekeepers has some great resources. Also check out Los Angeles County Beekeepers Association.
If you do get your own bees can make your own candles, eat some honey, barter with friends, and look as cool as us.  Let us know if you keep your own bees. Send us some pictures. We'd love to see.

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