Monday, June 20, 2011

The Bounty Part 1 – Apple Juice and Apple Sauce

We have three mature apple trees on the property that we planted well over ten year ago.  We have an Anna, Dorsett Golden and a late producing Fuji.  The first two trees, the Anna and Dorsett Golden produced heavily this year.  The challenge is figuring out what to do with a load of apples that come in all at once.  So “necessity being the mother of invention” you learn how to can, juice, dry, preserve, cook, eat and give away as many apples as you can as fast as you can.  What we did first was to press the juice and put up some apple sauce.  Whatever we have beyond the first gallon will go in the freezer and we will use it through the year for as long as it lasts.  The juice is probably the most perishable next to the actual fruit.

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