Monday, June 6, 2011

Our Apricot Tree is Loaded!!

Well it’s a race to the finish.  Our apricot tree is loaded this year with some of the most beautiful spring fruit I have seen in years.  I have to attribute the quality to the large amount of rain we got over the winter and early spring.  Every year we battle with the squirrels for which will get the most fruit.  We really do not mind sharing, but they will ravage a tree and leave half bitten apricots to rot on the ground.
Here is an image of the fruit, big and orange with a red blush.  We always put up jam and make lots of crisps, cobblers and pies.  Depending on the load we have been known to “can” and “dry” for use during the fall and winter.  In another post I will give you the recipe for our families favorite “crisp” recipe.  It’s easy and as healthy as you want it to be.  Modify to make it your own as with all the recipes we post.

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