Friday, May 27, 2011

Garden in Progress

Here are three progressive images of the gardens development.  The big question in the beginning was do we plant row crops, raised beds or contained boxes?  As you can see the, the decision was to go with raised boxes.  Unfortunately we have a severe gopher problem.  They eat everything in sight and everything you can’t see.  So we needed a frame to staple double layers of chicken wire too.  This will keep any burrowing animals out.  We dug 18” - 24” below ground level, set and leveled the frames and then refilled the wire lined boxes with a mixture of 50 / 50 soil and composted manure.  Excuse the expression, but this mixture is “nuclear”. The plants are loving it!!  The rabbit wire fencing around the beds helps to keep out the cute little bunnies that enjoy snacking on the tender young starts.  So far we have dug and planted ten 4’ X 8’ beds.

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